I ended up renting some Japanese movies I had wanted to watch last year.
The first was "Rurouni Kenshin".
This was originally a comic series written by Nobuhiro Watsuki, that started in 1994 and ended in 1999.
It was so huge here and internationally that finally a love action movie version was produced.
As some of today know, such movies can be a hit or a miss... ("Dragon Ball", to name one huge flop) But this movie was great!! I may not have liked a couple of the casted actors but put that aside, it was awesome!!
The fight scenes were so well choreographed and very thrilling!! Yes, quite bloody at times...
The story was pretty much true to the original story too so fans weren't disappointed about that.
I hope there will be a sequel!!
The second movie I watched was "Space Brothers". This also is originally a comic series that started in 2008 and is still running. It's written by Yuuya Koyama.
The story takes place in the near future of 2025 and is about two brothers and how each of them become space pilots.
It's a very comical story and each character is quite unique. But the basic theme throughout is about believing in oneself and in others and not giving up.
The movie focused only on the first part of the series but it was enough to get an idea of the story and to enjoy the unique characters.
The actors were well casted and were true to the image of the comic book.
Both movies were very good and entertaining but if I had to buy one, it'd definitely be "Rurouni Kenshin". Plus it'd be the Blu-Ray version with all the extras, too!!
Now, what to rent next...
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