Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pretty good so far

So my third New Year's Resolution is to cook more often and I definitely have been able to keep my promise so far.  ;-)

I've made a lunch/dinner box for at least 4 days out of my working week. Not bad!
I hope I can keep this up in February too...

The physio and healthy foods have helped me loose some weight so this is an incentive. I hope I can loose some more weight and build some muscles so I can maintain this change.

But the tough part is thinking of what to make... Also, veggies aren't cheap nowadays... I should try to make well balanced dishes... Plus I have to be careful of what to use since my job deals with speaking to people face to face in a close vicinity. Don't wanna stink!! I have been trying to cut back on carbohydrates too but not too successful... Will keep trying though.

So the photos are some of the dishes I've made this month. Not bad, eh?

What to make for next month...  ;-)

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