Monday, September 9, 2013


I can't believe it's already the second week of September...
Only 4 more months left for this year and two more months until my test...

As I've written in an earlier post, one of my New Year's Resolution is to study the Korean language seriously. So, I started to do a language exchange (I learn Korean and I teach English) since December of last year.

I'm fairly confident in reading the Hangul and pronouncing most of the words. But that doesn't mean I know what's been written... Unfortunately, I have a very small vocabulary still... My grammar has gotten much better now and I can form sentences but only with a limited amount of words... How embarrassing...

So, everyday, I practice memorizing the words I should know for the lowest level of the Hangul Proficiency Test. I'll be taking Level 5 on Sunday, November 10, 2013. I understand 90% of the grammar already so I'm not too worried about that. Vocabulary... Vocabulary... Vocabulary!!!!!

The textbook and notebooks I'm using
To help myself remember the words, I write a diary once a week but the topic is always centered around K-pop, especially since this summer was full of that for me, so haven't been able to expand my vocabulary much... I need to pick out a few words for each entry and center my diary around those words and phrases. I know that's the only way I will improve.

Easier said than done.
But I should practice what I preach, eh?
This is the advice I often give to my students studying English!!

I know I have to focus but I end up going off to watch some Korean shows and trying to figure out what's being said or listening to music instead of the CD drills... I really can't focus!!

Count down!! I only have exactly 2 months to learn all the words!!

Wish me luck!!

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