Sunday, May 12, 2013

First time in Northern Japan (part 5)

Lastly, we went to the Hirosaki nebuta exhibition.
Very different from that of Gojyogawara's Tachi-neputa.

The Hirosaki ones depict scenes from the Chinese story of "Suikoden", "The Three Kingdoms (Sangokushi)" and from the old Japanese "Kojiki".  Whereas the Tachi-neputa depicted only Japanese historical or fictional characters.

a scene from "The Three Kingdoms (Sangokushi)"

a scene from "Suikoden"

We were told that the word "neputa" or "nebuta", depending on the location, means "I'm sleepy".  As for why this word was chosen is due to the timing of these festivals.  They all take place in August, just before it starts to become colder and just before harvest season and the days are getting shorter. Basically, it's a festival to celebrate the end of summer and preparing for the long and harsh winter ahead.

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