Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pretty good so far

So my third New Year's Resolution is to cook more often and I definitely have been able to keep my promise so far.  ;-)

I've made a lunch/dinner box for at least 4 days out of my working week. Not bad!
I hope I can keep this up in February too...

The physio and healthy foods have helped me loose some weight so this is an incentive. I hope I can loose some more weight and build some muscles so I can maintain this change.

But the tough part is thinking of what to make... Also, veggies aren't cheap nowadays... I should try to make well balanced dishes... Plus I have to be careful of what to use since my job deals with speaking to people face to face in a close vicinity. Don't wanna stink!! I have been trying to cut back on carbohydrates too but not too successful... Will keep trying though.

So the photos are some of the dishes I've made this month. Not bad, eh?

What to make for next month...  ;-)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Physiotherapy 2

Went for my second treatment yesterday...

The last time I went was in mid November last year. That was my first time to experience a physiotherapy treatment.

My therapist focused on my pelvis and my rib cage.

As some people may know, with age, the pelvis bone starts to widen, especially with women (due to hormones). When this happens, the internal organs start to drop within the body and then your muscles start to shift in different directions. This causes a stiff lower back and stiff shoulders, poor blood circulation, and strained body posture. So all in all, your entire body starts to become strained.

In my case, I also have difficulties breathing and this is caused by me not knowing how to breathe using my diaphragm properly. I currently use only my lungs to bring air into my body. This puts a lot of pressure on my lungs and I must expand them more than normal. As a result, my rib cage has expanded and moved upwards to accommodate the expansion. The diaphragm is located below the lungs and rib cage so if I can use them properly, the rib cage will lower to its normal position and I'll have less pressure on my lungs and have less breathing panic attacks. 

So after the first treatment, I learned to do two things.
The first is a slow and easy exercise I can do lying on my back. All I have to do is lie down on my back, bend my knees with both my feet on the floor about shoulder width apart, then tilt both knees to one side and then to the other side. This helps my hips gradually go back to its normal position. I do this exercise day and night for about a minute only. That's all.
The second thing I do is a massage of the area just under the arm pit on the side of my chest. This loosens the muscles here so that I can breathe better and also make the circulation better in this area.

As a result of this exercise and massage, I've been able to loose some bloating and burn some fat. I have definitely lost an inch around my waste and hips and my bra size has gone down!! Now I can fit into a pair of pants I used to be able to wear about 3 years ago!! My winter coat is loose around the chest and waist area too!!

This time, my therapist focused on my legs and lower back. Was it every painful!! I can't recall how many times I yelped and literally screamed!! Apparently, all my muscles are twisted towards the front and center of my body when normally they are all on the back of the body. Plus they are so stretched or very tightly retracted which is causing the dis-alignments.
So, she worked on loosening the muscles and trying to shift them back to the original position. Crazy pain!!
But there are ways to ease the pain while shifting the muscles. It's quite amazing and the logic behind it is very interesting. The human body is quite extraordinary!!
After that grueling experience, she worked on my neck. Apparently, I have a hyper extended back (imagine a severely curved "S") so there has always been a bulge at the base of my neck. This also impairs my breathing, especially when I sleep. She is now working on that to lessen the extension. This can only work if my lower back is better which is supported by my pelvis and leg muscles...
Yes, it's all connected!!

It was a two hour treatment and it was grueling!! I couldn't believe how tired I was afterwards!! I really didn't want to do anything that evening!! But, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to "cook" so I made some croquettes again for my lunch box. I think all the cooking and lunch boxes has also helped in me loosing some weight. I definitely have to keep this up too!!

My next treatment is on February 24th so that'll be my next update too.
Wish me luck!! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

So far so good

So it's been almost two weeks since I've set my "restrictions" for 2013 and I've been able to follow them, especially about the food and drinks.

I did unconsciously reach for a Mitsuya Cider and put it in my shopping cart. But luckily I noticed just before heading for the check out counter and was able to put it back. Phew!! Some of you may know, but Japan always has "limited time offer" drinks which have some sort of seasonal fruit added to it. This time of year is "peaches" and that's the new "limited time offer" flavor for Mitsuya Cider... AND I CAN'T DRINK IT!!!! Sucks!!

As for the snacks from Calbee, I have actually gone to the snack corner and just stood in front of the products and just stared for a few minutes... Yes, I was drooling too!! 343 days to go!! LOL!! 

As for shopping, luckily, I haven't gone to Shinjuku yet so I haven't been tempted to look around and potentially buy something. Phew!!

Also, I've actually made some adjustments on my purchasing restrictions.


Basically, I've put a cap on everything I own. "Buy one, get rid of one" is the motto. I own way too many of everything right now!!

So now, whenever I have some time, I go through my clothes and see which ones I can get rid of and put them aside for when I do buy something I like. But the best thing to do would be to just throw away clothes I haven't worn in ages all together without waiting for an excuse... I shall try...

Next on the list would be the hand towels, my socks, books, CDs and video games!!

Wish me luck!!

Monday, January 14, 2013


First snow fall of the year!!
So glad it was a day off today and that I was a home just lazing around!!

It was so clear and not so cold the other day...
But I wake up to see a world of "white"!!

There's a palm tree like tree in my yard and it looked fine but a few hours later...

The weight of the snow made it bend and collapse towards my window... I freaked out when I saw this!!

Weather forecast predicts the snow to stop tonight but the temperature won't be going up any time soon... Plus weak sunlight so the snow won't melt as quickly as we would like...
Am not looking forward to leaving the house at 5:45 AM tomorrow morning... Realistically I should leave even earlier than that... Just in case and so that I can take my time getting to the station.

To think when we were kids we relished the season of snow!!
I guess I would too if I didn't have to work...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the next few days!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

January and a fresh new start

So this is my new blog!!
I used to use another site but it started to have excess links to games which became a bit irritating for me...
So, I thought it was time to find another place which I won't feel stressed out every time I log in.

Also, I turned 40 last year and wanted to have a fresh start on things.
My new life mantra is "live without any regrets!"

I've started to do many new things which I've only thought about doing in the past.

I joined 4 fan clubs and all of them have to do with Korean celebrities!!
3 boy bands:
TVXQ (Tohoshinki, in Japanese)
Super Junior
Big Bang
1 Korean actor
Gong Yoo

I'm throwing out things I don't need on a regular basis now instead of being a pack rat.

But I'm still trying to cut back on buying too many books before I've finished the ones I've bought earlier... 

Also, with some good friends, I've set some New Year resolutions and restrictions for 2013.

1. go to the physiotherapist to work on my physical condition (pelvis and lungs)
2. cook more meals at home so I can eat healthier (less pre-cooked lunch boxes from convenience stores)
3. study Korean more seriously
4. increase my translation work load

1. cannot eat any products from Calbee snacks company
2. cannot drink any "melon soda"
3. cannot drink any "Mitsuya cider"
4. do not buy any more scarves unless I'm replacing the ones I already have (and I have over 40 of them already...)
5. can only buy 16 pieces of clothing from Eddie Bauer and I should replace the ones I currently have so that I don't increase the amount
6. try to find some YELLOW or GREEN clothes

Let's see if I can keep my promises and restrictions this year.

So this is the beginning of my new life!! 
I want to stay positive and stay healthier than before!!